Parallels customer support phone number
Parallels customer support phone number

Parallels Toolbox is supported through Social Media channels.If you have an active trial or paid subscription, you are eligible for phone, chat and email support while your subscription is valid.If you have a trial license, please choose Presales & Purchase category to get support. If you have a permanent license, support can be provided only in case you have valid support insurance and the version of your Remote Application Server did not reach End of Support.

parallels customer support phone number

If you have an active subscription or valid Service Provider License Agreement license for Parallels Remote Application Server, you are eligible for phone and email support while the subscription is valid. If you have a subscription for Parallels Desktop for Mac, you are eligible for phone, chat and email support for the subscription lifetime.

parallels customer support phone number

Visit KB 123560 to check free email support availability for your version.

  • If you have a permanent license for Parallels Desktop for Mac, you are eligible for phone and chat support for 30 days after the license registration and email support for 24 months from the Parallels Desktop version release date.

  • Parallels customer support phone number